Позакласна робота

 Гері Бейзмен, відомий американський кінорежисер і мультиплікатор завітав до нашого містечка у жовтні 2014 року. Мета його візиту : зняти документальний фільм про батьківщину свого батька, який народився у м. Березне.
     А в часи Великої Вітчизняної Війни емігрував до Америки. 
      І ось, учні Березнівського НВК " ЕГЛ-ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів " взяли участь у зйомці справжнього кіно , працюючи із справжньою голівудською командою !!!!!!
  Вони переодягалися в мультиплікаційних героїв Гері. Було зроблено багато дублів.
     Надзвичайно дітей захопила така робота і, що найголовніше - із знімальною групою потрібно було спілкуватися на англійській мові !

Він обіцяв повернутися і показати фільм !

Всім відомо, що 31 жовтня жителі англомовних країн святкують " Halloween". От і ми з учнями 9-Б класу вирішили детальніше ознайомитися з традиціями святкування і напередодні осінніх канікул влаштували маленький " Halloweenчик " у класі.Учні перевтілилися у міфічних істот , взяли участь у різноманітних жахаючих конкурсах, влаштували фотосесію і на закінчення отримали льодяники за активну участь у святі.

Form: 9-B
Date: 23.10. 2015
  • Students will practice following instructions.
  • Students will get to know some British and American traditions
  • Students will practice speaking English
  • Students will practice cooperation and other social skills.


  • Copies of Eerie invitations
  • Selected Halloween masks.
  • Instruction sheets for the following games:

1.     Pumpkin Bocce.
2.     Eating donuts.
3.     Wrapped up.
4.     Skeleton.
5.     Scary story contest.
6.     Impossible Pumpkin Drawing.

  • Candy.
  • Pumpkins.
  • String and donuts.
  • Scissors.
  • Art supplies.
  • 2 rolls of toilet paper.
  • Radio, cassette or CD player
  • Bell, whistle, or gong
  • Orange balloons.


    1.     Before the party, have students:
    o        Make Eerie invitations and send them to students in another class.
    o        Choose the Halloween costumes for themselves.
    o        Use the instruction sheets to make the pumpkins for Pumpkin Bosse  
    1. The day of the party:
      • Set up separate areas of the classroom for different games.
      • Organize students into 2 groups.
      • Use the instruction sheets to to explain the rules of each of the games, assign students to their groups, and direct them to the appropriate area of the classroom to play their first game.
      • Explain that each group will move to the next game when they hear the sound of your whistle, bell or gong.
      • Tell the students about the tradition of celebrating Halloween in English-speaking countries.
             T: Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. It is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints and martyrs; the holiday “All Saints” Day, incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows’ Eve and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a secular, community-based event characterized by child-friendly activities such as trick-or-treating. In a number of countries around the world, as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, people continue to usher in the winter season with gatherings, costumes and sweet treats.
    • Allow the groups to rotate through all of the games before the end of the party.
    1.Pumpkin Bocce  1. Carve out a large pumpkin.
           2. Take several miniature pumpkins.
           3. Place the big carved out pumpkin several feet away.
           4. Give each player a small pumpkin.
           5. Each player rolls ( no tossing or throwing ) their pumpkin and tries to be the closest to the big pumpkin.
            6. The player closest wins the game.

    2. Eating donuts

     has never been so fun!

         1. Hang several donuts with string from a tree branch or a sturdy rod.

         2. Blindfold the contestants.

         3. On the count of three, have each player try to eat their donut — the first one to finish wins!Four friends eating donuts on a string

    3. This game will leave you all wrapped up!

           1.Divide your party-goers into teams of two.


           2.Give each a roll of toilet paper, white crepe paper, or fabric.


           3.At the sound of the music, one team member must wrap the other from head to toe (leaving the head free and not binding the arms to the body.)


           4. Once completely wrapped, the "mummy" must run to cross the finish line before the othersRolls of gray crepe paper

    4. Skeleton.

     This game takes a bit of prep work before your party begins.

     1.Buy (or draw) a simple skeleton on sturdy poster board or cardboard, and cut out each of the bones separately. Make enough so each relay team has a full set of skeleton parts.2.Place each set of bones at the opposite end of the room .


            3.Have the first member from each team line up.


            4.At the whistle, race across to grab a piece of skeleton, race back, and tag the next team member. The first team to get every piece and assemble their skeleton together correctly wins!Paper Skeleton Halloween Decoration

    5. Scary Story Contest
    1.Write out on individual index cards one scary story opening line. Good examples include: “It was a stormy night…” “The ghost moaned…” “A body lay in the corner…” “The mummy chased her…”

        2. Gather students in a circle and make it really dark and light some candles.

        3. Hand out an index card to each guest.

        4. The first person reads their opening line and has one minute to make up a scary story.

        5.You go around the circle until all stories have been read.

        6.The story that gets the most shrieks and shrills, wins.

     6. Impossible Pumpkin Drawing

              1. Give the balloons, the tape and the black markers to the students
         2.Set the timer for five minutes, and Ready, Set, Go!
         3.In five minutes, each player must blow up their balloon (and tie it), tape the balloon to a hard surface (like a table or wall), and draw a jack-o-lantern face on the balloon with a black marker using only their mouths!
         4.The race to finish this game will produce some very silly balloons!  Make sure to award prizes for Silliest and Scariest Faces as well as Best Overall.

    Culminate your party by allowing the students to eat the candy they got after doing a great job.

Учениця 9-Б класу, Невірковець Лілія , минулого літа взяла участь у Всеукраїнському англомовному таборі CACTUS

2 коментарі:

  1. Завжди мріяв зустрітися з таким відомим мультиплікатором. Сподіваюсь він ще завітає у Березне.
